Saturday, July 5, 2014

Correlation matrix

The Correlation Matrix is a table that contains correlation coefficients among several markets (including precious metals) in different timeframes. This correlation matrix describes statistics and correlation matrix for study variables.


Similarity matrix

A similarity matrix is a matrix of scores that represent the similarity between a number of data points. Each element of the similarity matrix contains a measure of similarity between two of the data points. This matrix shows how window displays a matrix using the currently selected color spectrum to show the correlation between each member of the list or active subset with every other member.


Stem and leaf plot

A stem-and-leaf plot is an organization of numerical data into categories based on place value. This plot shows high temperatures in Oswego.


Box plot

A boxplot is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their quartiles. This box plot shows the daily mean temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (F) for November 1940, Madison, Wisconsin.


A histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of data. This Histogram is shown in paraview. The Histogram filter extracts a histogram from field data.

Parallel coordinate graph

A parallel coordinate plot maps each row in the data table as a line, or profile. This graph shows High Linear Correlation in Parallel Coordinates – Example (the fish data with 9 variables): The parallel coordinates plot shows that the three fish length variables (L1, L2, L3) are very highly correlated. This finding implies that L2 and L3 contribute very little additional information from L1.


Triangular plot

A triangular plot is a mixture of 3 variables being plotted. In this graph the allocations between aleutian sources are being plotted.



A windrose is a graphic tool used by meteorologists to give a succinct view of how wind speed and direction are typically distributed at a particular location. This windrose displays wind speeds for the Raleigh-Durham Airport from 1948 until 2013.



Climogaphs are a graphic way of displaying climate information; specifically, average temperature and precipitation. This climographs is displaying the maximum and minimum precipitation that Anchorage, Alaska receives by months. Source:

Population profile

This population profile map shows the U.S. Population Density by county, 2010 Census population Profile Map.


A scatterplot is a type of mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for two variables for a set of data. This scatterplot displays the association between the size of a diamond (in carats) and its retail price (in Singapore dollars) for 48 observations. The scatterplot clearly indicates that there is a positive association between size and price.


Index value plot

An index value plot is a type of visualization map in which an index value, instead of and absolute value, is plotted on a line graph. This index value plot is of  New York market opening. The return values rc, computed from closings, are shown in the plot.


Friday, July 4, 2014

Accumulative line graph or Lorenz curve

The Lorenz curve is a graphical representation of the cumulative distribution function of the empirical probability distribution of wealth. This map shows cumulative share of people from lowest to highest incomes.


Bilateral graph

Bilateral graphs compare two or more sets of data in a visual graph. This graph shows the U.S deficit with China.


Nominal area choropleth map

Nominal Area Choropleth Map are maps that shows categorical data rather than numerical data. The elements of a choropleth map are used within these maps to separate the data being shown. This map is showing the hispanic population density of the United States.


Unstandardized choropleth maps

An unstandardized choropleth map is a thematic map that displays data sets as raw numbers. Instead of averaging the data, it is represented as its original value. This map displays the percentages of population in Canada aged 14 and under.


Standardized choropleth maps

Standardized choropleth maps normalize data according to a certain area. They analyze data in the form of a percent so that areas of varying size can be compared to one another. This map is testing normality for the standard deviation classification scheme.


univariate choropleth map

A univariate choropleth map displays data from only one variable. This map shows Community Health Status Indicators of the United States.

Bivariate choropleth maps

Bivariate choropleth map is a thematic map that displays two variables. This map shows percent change and population density from 1990 to 2000.


unclassed choropleth map

An unclassed choropleth map is characterized by a continuous ramp or color intensity, with no set intervals. This means that every value is a different color, so there may be numerous different shades of a certain color. This map shows population change from 1960 to 1970.


Classed Choropleth maps

Classed choropleth maps are based on statistical data aggregated over previously defined regions. This map is an example of the US Presidential Election of 2004.


Range graded proportional circle map

Range graded proportional circle map is a proportional circle map that depicts the circles in relation to ranges of data. is an example of a Range graded proportional circle map first used on maps by Henry Harness, August Peterman, and Minard (1850s).


Continuously variable proportional circle map

Continuously variable proportional circle map is a map that uses circle to show data points. This map shows the aggregate population of German ancestry  represented by graduated symbols for each of Chicago's community areas.



Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads are digital aerial images produced by the USGS. They contain orthorectified aerial photography at a resolution of 1 meter. This map is showing Color Infrared 1998: Parts with Flowers NE (Johnston County).



This is an example of an digital elevation model of a 6-foot high tsunami. This map was chosen to show the amount of  devastation a tsunami would cause to Hampton Roads Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),


  •   This is an example of a Digital line graph which Public Domain Software uses for references.



A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) standard series topographic map, including all map collar information. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator projection. The horizontal positional accuracy and datum of the DRG matches the accuracy and datum of the source map. The map is scanned at a minimum resolution of 250 dots per inch.



An Isopleth is a line on a map connecting places registering the same amount or ratio of some geographical or meteorological phenomenon. This map shows the Economic Potential Isopleths for England and Wales (from Clark, 1966)


Thursday, July 3, 2014


This Isohyets map shows the Rainfall Map For June 2012 (isohyets are in millimetres).



This Isotach map of RUC shows its base 300mb analysis of geopotential height (solid black lines, every 60m), divergence (solid magenta contours, every 2x10-5s-1, and isotachs (color filled every 10kt above 60kt) at 00z October 26th.



Isobars and isotherms are lines on weather maps which represent patterns of pressure and temperature. This  Isobars map are shows  blue lines which connect equal pressure values based on the set from 1000 mb with an interval of 4 mb above or below that. Isobar values are labeled in blue within the isobar lines that are contained in the map area. Additionally, centers of locally highest and lowest pressures are marked by a blue H and red L, respectively.



-LIDAR data supports activities such as inundation and storm surge modeling, hydrodynamic modeling, shoreline mapping, emergency response.

-LiDAR was used to create two models that looked at the above ground vegetation and the topography below ground. Both models are useful in understanding the biologic forces of the region. When these products are combined with other remote sensing products, it helps paint a better picture of the ecological working of an area of interest.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Doppler radar

Doppler rader is a specialized radar that makes use of the Doppler effect to produce velocity data about objects at a distance. This doppler rader is depicting rainfall trends in Tallahassee during the year 2005. 


Black & white aerial photo Map

This Black and white aerial photo map shows the streets of downtown Rochester as the network and all the intersections as start and end points of a desired route.


Color infrared aerial map

Color infrared aerial map of the Arbuckle Tract showing hiking trails, camp sites and roads. These maps are used for land planning, assessment and monitoring, and creating soil maps


Cartographic animations

Cartographic animations are an important way of displaying results and falls with geovisualization. This map shows a display of a major hurricane approaching florida.


Statistical Map

A statistical map is one in which the
variation in the quantity of a factor, such as percent of rainfall within different geographic areas, is displayed. The three main types of statistical maps are choropleth maps, proportional symbol maps, and dot maps. The map above is an example of a statistical choropleth map, since it uses colors to show standardized data in the form of percents of household in a county consisting of unmarried partners of the same or opposite sex.


Cartogram Map

cartograms are maps in which the sizes of geographic regions such as countries or provinces appear in proportion to their population (or some other demographic feature such as income, disease incidence, etc.).
This is an example of a world population cartogram.


Flow Map

- Flow maps to show the movement of objects from one location to another, such as the number of
people in a migration, the amount of goods being traded, or the number of packets in a network. This is
computer generated flow map of migration from California from 1995 - 2000.


Isoline maps

An isoline map is a map with continuous lines joining points of the same value. Examples would be equal altitude (contour lines), temperature (isotherms), barometric pressure (isobars), wind speed (isotachs), wind direction (isogon), wind shear (isoshear), etc. Isoline mapping is used to interpret the information on some thematic maps. This isolines can also be used to describe any other type of data. For example, this population map uses isolines to represent the distribution of human beings around the Earth. Another common use of isolines is to show areas that are of the same elevation.


Proportional circle maps


-Proportional Cricel Maps are used for showing a quantity (such as the population of a country) that can be divided into parts (such as different ethnic groups). A circle is drawn to represent the total quantity. It is then divided into segments proportional in size to the components. The actual size of the circle can also be used to represent data. This maps shows the number of people killed in road accidents in Europe in 2000.

Choropleth Map

- A Choropleth map uses graded differences in shading or color or the placing of symbols insidedefined areas on the map in order to indicate the average values of some property or quantity in those areas.This choropleth map shows the Percent of People who are Hispanic per county in Florida based on Census data from 2000. The data is divided up into 5 natural breaks. That means the groups are divided into unequally sized groups that attempt to group like data together.


Dot Distribution Map

-A dot distribution map (also known as dot density map) is as a map type that uses a dot symbol to show the presence of a feature or phenomenon. This map shows where FeederWatch participants counted birds in the 2000-2001 season.


Propaganda Map

Propaganda maps are made to accompany propaganda and persuade individuals towards a certain opinion. Data is skewed intentionally to make a certain option seem more appealing. In the propaganda map depicted, Ronald Reagan sees the USSR as a looming threat, while South America and and Mexico are barely worth showing. Propaganda maps play off ignorance of an individual and claim to educate, except the education received is full of bias and half-truths.


Hypsometric Maps

-This maps uses hypsometric (elevation) tints to display relative elevations. This map shows both hypsometric (elevation) color use, and shading to show relative relief of Colorado.



-The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) is a way of subdividing and describing land in the United States. All lands in the public domain are subject to subdivision by this rectangular system of surveys, which is regulated by the U.S. Department of the Interior. This PLSS map is of Louisiana's boundaries.  


Cadastral Map

-Cadastral maps display the spatial descriptions of land-parcel boundaries that define the location, shape and size of land parcels within the context of a regional or national geodetic positioning system. They also contain a unique parcel identifier to establish the link to the land ownership information. This Cadastral map shows Montanas land boundaries.


Thematic Map

-Thematic maps emphasizes a particular theme or special topic such as the average distribution of rainfall in an area. They are different from general reference maps because they do not just show natural features like rivers, cities, political subdivisions and highways. Instead, if these items are on a thematic map, they are simply used as reference points to enhance one's understanding of the map's theme and purpose.

-This thematic map of the lower 48 states shows, by range, the activities you want. The colors are ramped from light (0) to dark red (more than 7,000 interest items). Thematic maps can depict any data value by county, state, MSA, ZIP Code, census tract, etc of emerging businesses.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Topographic Map

This is an example of a topographic map of the city of Tallahassee. This map is characterized by large-scale detail and quantitative representation of relief, using contour lines.
